.."Helping Families Cope With Cancer"
Fundraising - 2008
Rock n' Raise 2008 - best yet!! |
The Colston Hall, Bristol saw another memorable night when the Rock n' Raise crew rolled into town! Many thanks to the bands - On The Edge, The Heathers, Beyond Control, Journey Up The Wood, Capone and Elena Vogt for supporting this event.
Special thanks also to all those that sponsored the night in some way and to Daz and Helen for organising the event.
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On The Edge
Bradley Stoke Council Charity Fund Raise £2,911 for NCSF!! |
Many thanks to Julian Barge (left) for nominating the NCSF as one of the two charities for his term as Bradley Stoke's major. We promise that we will make good use of the money. It has already helped a number of local families with their fight against cancer |
Seaton Fun Day Brings Out The Sun! |
Manor Farm Caravan site at Seaton was the scene of a sunny Fun Day., This could well become an annual event!
The fun started with breakfast and it must have been a full english as it was closely followed by Sumo wrestling!
Other activities included, Face painting, Pony Rides, all day pancakes, sand castle competition as well as a number of stalls.
Many thanks to site owners Tim & Mandy and to all the people that helped on the day, especially Mary. Date for next year 29th August 2009. more>> |
Julie you should really try
to cut back on the Fried Bread! |
Andy Takes on The London-Paris Charity Bike Ride! |
Andy Gunter took part in the London-Paris Charity Bike Ride organised by Classic Tours in the aid of NCSF. The ride started on 27 June and finished 210 miles later on 29 June.
All the 80 riders cycled in together over the Port D'lena bridge which faced the Eiffel Tower at 5.30pm and made their way to the finish line, exhausted, still smiling but alot of sore BUMS !! A FANTASTIC achievement.
Well Done Andy
Click HERE to see some larger pics |
Manor Farm Caravan Site - Seaton, Devon
Tim and Mandy have very generously donation of £350, this is instead of sending Christmas cards to all their clients on the caravan site. They have also hosted a number of Collecting Boxes which have made £56.26 and as if that wasn't enough they have sold £17.50 for chutneys and the like. |
Clarendon Veterinary Centre - Sponsored Walk
Sunday 2nd November 2008 |
"On a very crisp autumn Sunday 2nd November, staff from Clarendon Veterinary Centre and their families along with their four legged friends, walked The Strawberry Line to raise money for two charities NCSF and Pets As Therapy. |
Starting at Congresbury and working our way towards Axbridge walking through the Shute Shelve Tunnel on the way!
The dogs set off at a very encouraging pace, enjoying themselves thoroughly. There were lots of leaves and puddles about, which added to the fun for the dogs and children.
We reached a very long spooky tunnel, which was longer than it first seemed. Our furry friends guided us through as it was very dark even with the cat’s eyes to light the way. |
Lunch was a warm bowl of vegetable soup and a crusty roll and water for the dogs before the journey back.
We were very lucky with the weather as had no rain or wind. We all enjoyed the walk and it was rewarding to raise money for these charities.
We raised approximately £579.50 and we all hope that it can help"
Many thanks from the Nicola Corry Support Foundation - the money will help us to relieve some of the financial plight of families with cancer. Thanks to help such as this we are now helping more families than ever. |
Wotton Ladies Circle - Fashion Show
Blue Coat School Friday 3rd October 2008 |
Wotton Ladies Circle held a very successful and well organised Charity Fashion Show in Wotton Under Edge - all proceeds to be donated to the NCSF.
Many thanks to the Ladies Circle and to Trevor Young Portrait Photography for taking the photographs. |
LAMPFEST Raises a magnificent £495 |
Held at the Lamplighters pub Shirehampton, Bristol on 21st June. Many thanks to all the bands that supported the event and especially to Andy Smith of Capone who organised the event. Plus a thank you to Daz for his help. Also thanks to those from NCSF who supported the event particularly Helen. |
Biggie Best donate to NCSF |
Many thanks to Mark Pfuhl and Andy Williams of Biggie Best in Bristol who donated a room full of high quality soft furnishings, table lamps and pictures to NCSF. |
Kingswood Village Show - 6th September 2008 |
Despite heavy rain all week the Kingswood Village Show went ahead, thanks to some great work by the organisers. A superb display of falconry and the burgers weren't bad either. NCSF had a stall under cover in the marquee - we sold some jewellery and face painting was again popular. |
Probably more important though was the fact we were there - with a bigger and better stall than before - raising awareness in the place where it all started. Many thanks to Lindsay, Kath, Hatty & Shona for organising and running the stall. |
"Spanish Evening Raises over £700" |
A Spanish Evening was held on Sat 17th May 2008 at Hallen Social club. Over £700 was raised for NCSF. The evening was held in and organised by Carmen Rodriguez (who cooked all the food herself which was delicious and we all tasted some great spanish cuisine!) , Tracey Jones and Karen Bidder. They also organised a Quiz, auction of some Spanish wine and food Hampers and live music was also enjoyed by all.
More Photos>> |
"Three Peaks Challenge" for NCSF |
A team made up of parents and members of staff from Wheatfield Primary School took on the "Three Peaks Challenge". This involved climbing the peaks of Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon in 24 hours, including the traveling time in between mountains!.
Sponsorship from this event will be split between 4 local charities including NCSF. Very many thanks to all those involved. more>> |
Annual Dinner - 2nd February 2008
Holiday Inn, Bristol
A really tremendous event with thanks to all those that organised it, in particular Lindsay and Daz. Also many thanks to the Lord mayor of Bradley Stoke for attending and for being a valuable support of our work. Also many thanks to Journey Up The Wood for the fine music which got everybody on the dance floor.
Photos ........... |
The see previous years fundraising click below:
Newsletter Issue 20 |
NCSF United
Bristol Downs League