NCSF - Helping Parents Cope With Cancer










NCSF Lucky Balls has now finished due to the Charity closing down - full details on the Home page.

If you wish to continue supporting NCSF at Penny Brohn please click on the link below:

Nicola Corry Support Fund at Penny Brohn

Game Results

Prize Money
The winner of the last game was Julie who wins £170



1.   In the football season Lucky Balls runs for a maximum of 10 weeks - Friday/weekend/Monday league games only, mid-week games are not included
2.   If after 10 weeks, no team scores 21 goals - prize money goes to team with the highest number of goals
3.   Money collected will be distributed approx. 50% to the Registered Charity NCSF and 50% as prize money
4.   Teams with no fixture or their game is cancelled or abandoned – awarded 2 goals
5.   The decision of the Organisers in any dispute is final
6.   This Pontoon is run under the rules regulating Society Lotteries under Gambling Act 2005
7.   In the event of a draw prize money will be divided equally.
8.   If, at the end of the football season, there is less than 10 weeks to run - the first prize will be awarded to the highest number of goals.
9.   Any member who is not up to date with payments will not be eligible for any prizes and the prize money will "rollover" into the next game

10. If a team plays more than one match in a weekend then the first gamed played only counts.

Licenced under the Gambling Act 2005 with Stroud District Council
Registration Number 08/00151/GASSP



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