.."Helping Families Cope With Cancer"
JANUARY - 2012 Starts with a Royal Donation. |
NCSF was very pleased to receive a donation from His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall. This was granted from the Duke of Cornwall's Benevolent Fund and is to help us in our childcare support of families with cancer.
This is a great boost for our newly formed Grant Team - well done especially to Sue and Anna. |
MARCH - Swishing Event |
Swishing is where you bring your unwanted clothes and accessories and swap them for something that someone else has donated. It’s a great way to rejuvenate your wardrobe without spending too much.
Thanks to Jenny for the use of her house and to all those that attended and raised over £400 for the charity. |
JUNE - FIT Challenge - The Mendip Monster |
Well what an absolutely fantastic weekend! We didn't let the rain get us down at all, and the sun even shone for us today.
The football match was great - so nice to watch a friendly, good humoured game all in aid of a good cause. The walking gave us all the sense of achievement and the camping, BBQ and bar was just great fun - I thoroughly recommend Broadway House campsite in Cheddar. And even better we have already raised over £2k for NCSF.
Now, what to do for next year's Fit-Challenge??? |
JULY - Bristol Harbourside Triathlon |
Stephen Smee decided that as well as occasionally playing for our NCSF United football team he would like to enter the Bristol Triathlon and raise money for NCSF!
This is held in and around Bristol Harbour and features swimming, cycling and running - no mean feat!
Not only did Stephen complete the course but has raised well over £400 for NCSF already! Stephen describes his experience: |
" I'm glad that's over and done with - I actually enjoyed it in the end !! I somehow ended up in the elite group so my race was scheduled for 0700 so it was an early 0530 rise !!
After a panic or two of getting there; closed roads, red lights and setting up - I was finally ready to start.
The 1.5km swim was my weakest event, so I swam at the back of the group and didn't engage in the wrestling and jostling up the front. I plodded along, did my own thing, but was not last! Then off to the transition (changing) where I got calf and chest cramps at the same time - but that didn't hold me back and off I went on the bike.
The 40k Cycling consisted of 4 laps - the first was relatively easy but by the 4th I felt like I was constantly battling winds and cycling uphill the whole way!
Finally the 10k Run - alot further than I remembered and a big uphill stretch to start off with - great! The helpers/volunteers were very supportive and encouraging and I think they made the difference, the sun came out and I enjoyed the final 10m or so !! |
All in all, good fun, lots of support, bit of sun too, but not something I want to do again for a while." Stephen Smee |
Many many thanks to Stephen for helping us in this way - if you want to add to his total click on the button below:

SEPTEMBER - James's Sky Dive - Saturday 29 September 2012 |
SEPTEMBER - NCSF Annual General Meeting |
NCSF held it's Annual General Meeting on 4th September 2012 at St. Monica's Hospice, Bristol.
It was well attended although the Wine and Cheese might have helped! Six Trustees were elected 4 re-elected and two new Trustees. We are now back to our preferred six Trustees.
The Chair of the Board of Trustees, Claire Bullock gave a review of the past year. She also welcomed the two new Trustees - Mary Pearce and Elizabeth Carter. Julie Haydon was elected as the new Chair.
John Corry, NCSF Treasurer reported that although income had reduced compared to last year we had maintained the financial level of Awards to Families. However the restrictions on awards will continue through the coming year in order to preserve a safe level of reserves.
Julie Haydon presented her proposed Strategy for the coming years and she also thanked Claire for her work as Chair over the past two years.
The date for next year's AGM was set as Tuesday 3rd September 2013. |
SEPTEMBER - Bristol Half Marathon
Here are some of the runners who helped raise money for NCSF - many many thanks to all that ran for us. The event raised over £2,500 for NCSF. |
Chris Banks and Abby McNee |
Ian and Ben |
Helen Ross and Kim |
Kate |
Kath Lock, Kate, Robin Squire and Ian Mills |
NCSF relies on fundraising events such as those listed above without which we would have been able to help many families that could not find help elsewhere.
NHS, Macmillan, Maggie's Cancer Care have all referred families to us and we have been able to help them in a very difficult time of their lives.
So if you can help with any of the above events or suggest a new one please use the contact page to let us know or click the Donation button on the left. |
The see previous years fundraising click below:
Newsletter Issue 20 |
NCSF United
Bristol Downs League